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  • Kate

Whoever said Ramen is tricky?

The evenings are getting darker. The weather has changed and you find yourself scraping ice off your car in the morning. This is the time of year when comfort eating is all anyone craves. HOWEVER, with our wedding in a year, I refuse to let the 'Great British Winter' destroy everything I worked for over the summer months. Enter, homemade ramen.

I always thought it was the sort of dish you ordered out, and don't get me wrong, it still is, aint nobody got time to make a 12 hour bone broth. However, on our personal training journey, we realised how high in calorie, even the glorified 'healthy' foods are, like ramen, and keen to get our moneys worth and stick to our 1400 calorie goal, I set about experimenting so we didn't settle for rabbit food in the process. Turns out you can make a decent homemade ramen without lots of fancy Japanese ingredients....I know, shame on me, but I also didn't want to make a bowl of liquid gold. There is a time and place. The above was a tasty creation with items I bet most people have in their cupboards, soy, ginger, garlic, five spice...the list goes on, but only a bit. It really is an easy and tasty winter warmer without fattening up for the winter like a bear about to hibernate.

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