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  • Kate

Our quest for Currywurst

Another May bank holiday rolled around which can mean only one thing, Pippa's Birthday? Well yes, but no! A city break!

This time we went to absorb the wonderful history of Berlin.

We started it like we do most city breaks, with a crack of dawn flight. Landing in Berlin at around 9am, we took the very easy (and as you would expect, efficient) train into the city. A quick change onto a Bus and our little blue dot on google maps was heading towards our apartment. The usual bag drop and off we went. Our first stop was at a convenience store to find a much anticipated beverage called 'Spezi'. The best description I can think of is if Coke and Fanta had a baby. It is sweet, a little weird, but it works!

Berlin, as you would expect, is full of history, so we did the city sightseeing bus to learn all about it. It was very informative, if not a little funny at times. Did you know Hitler was Austrian born? I do because every tour guide points it out as soon as you step on the bus!

Another thing you need to learn about our city breaks is Pippa's undeniable need to visit every Hard Rock and buy a pin. Usually a bit bleugh for me, but Berlin had a lovely treat in store. Not only was the Hard Rock reasonable (£6 a cocktail), but it also had a balcony in the sun. Needless to stay, we had so many drinks there that before long they were inventing drinks for us to try. This was the moment we had been waiting for. Much like a kebab in England, Currywurst is the drunk Berliners choice. Insert photo here...

It was everything we needed, so much so that we were appalled when the lady opposite her threw half her chips out! But that may have been the beer talking. The above was from the oldest and probably most famous stand 'Curry 61' where the slogan is 'A life without Currywurst is possible, but meaningless'. So what are you waiting for, go!

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