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Assassin's Creed Odyssey

I think the more appropriate title for me playing this is "Look at all the people Kassandra sleeps with."

Kate: No not him.

Pippa: Why though?

Besides that, this game is incredible, it is one of my favourite open-world games to come out recently, how has it been a year already? Don't get me wrong there has been some controversy about this game - mostly about the DLC's - you can't force us to do this Ubisoft... you know what I am talking about! And occasionally I have glitched into a wall while I am taking out some mercenary and then died... no, I was winning...

Truth time, I have never played this game as Alexios (Kassandra is one of my game wives and I have no shame in that!) so I only know that she is hilarious, there are some moments in the game that I have been more than happy to relive with her. "Gross". I am sure Alexios is great to play as... but I can honestly say I will never know, he is a badass Deimos and that is something not to mess with.

Things I love about this game:

  • Ancient Greece - I never want to leave. Hanging around Athens, going on your ship to the islands. The glorious scenery. Man. I can't wait to play it again.

  • Barnabas.

  • My game wife.

  • The historical locations - call me lame, but one of my favourite things is to read all the information that you get given during the game about the real-world locations... I know...

So to finish off, here are some of my questions for you:

  1. Were you able to get the "best" ending?

  2. Did you play as Alexios or Kassandra?

  3. What did you do with Aspasia?

  4. Who was your favourite character?

So this game gets: 9.4/10

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