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The Witcher 3

Updated: Nov 6, 2019

I know that by now everyone has played this game... I mean really? If you haven't... why not? I remember buying this game, years ago on my Xbox one before all the DLC's were released and before I even thought about getting a Playstation or gaming PC.

I bought it completely on a whim, I remember saying something like "the back looks cool" when I bought it. Thank you past Pippa, thank you! Thank you for starting an obsession that would lead to me buying a gaming PC just to rebuy the game with all the DLC's, to listening to all the audiobooks; it has been a wild ride, but CD Projekt Red has a fan for life because of this game.

Onto the game, please! (Spoiler alert)

So you start The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt as Geralt of Rivia - I am going to save you ALL the backstory and say, play the first two games, you actually really need to know the backstory, mostly cause it is amazing! (pssst read the books too - hint Image hint)

So I have played this game about 6 times from start to finish and I have never been able to choose another romantic option... I mean... flings aside of course... But I have always gone with Yennefer, now I am not sure if that is because I am crushing on her hard or what.

Did anyone go to Kovir with Triss? What was your Blood and Wine ending like?

Things I love about the game:

  • The fighting dynamics, it really set a standard for me in terms of how fighting should be in a game.

  • The voice actors - I love you... seriously... love. you.

  • Geralt's dry-ass sense of humour and the little things they add to the game (one of my favourites was the drinking scene with Lambert and Eskel)

  • That it is quite... dark... not everything is a happy ending. (please see a "Towerful of Mice" - I know I made the wrong choice when I first played)

Obviously there were things that I found "Meh" on playing it for the 6th time, some quests and question marks that make you roll your eyes as well as some characters... but this gorgeous, detailed game makes everything alright in the end. You can play the annoying quest, go play Gwent... everything is better!

So to finish off, here are some of my questions for you: to

  1. What did you think of Gaunter O'Dimm?

  2. Did you help him in the end or try to destroy him?

  3. Were you able to bring the sisters together in Blood and Wine?

  4. Did anyone actually get the failed threesome scene?

So this game gets a major: 10/10

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