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Linear gaming, but freedom. I think that is what best describes this game series (and to be honest the game developer - Tomb Raider, The Last of Us - as other great examples). I am someone who LOVES open-world games and I am not afraid to admit that, but these games are incredible, you never feel boxed in.

Game: "You HAVE to go that way".

Me: "Nah"

Nothing like that in this series for me, well here it goes, Uncharted 1 - 4. Thank you.

I have also added the graphic evolution for these games, just to show you how amazing the evolution has been!

Uncharted 1

Right, so hands down this was the scariest of the games haha, those mutant men... were terrifying. When you are trying to kill them and eventually Eddie gets dragged into the pit by one of them... that was something else... What I loved about this game, besides being the first of a life-changing series was just the character interactions. This is where Naughty Dog really outstrips other game developers (well not all of them, but most of them.)

I think the standout moment for me in this game, was the U-boat in the middle of the jungle I remember seeing that (I mean the graphics are not the best - this game is pretty old now) but I remember thinking it was incredible.

Uncharted 2

This game, without a doubt, has the best intro of ANY game (and I will fight for this). Waking up on the train, no idea how you got injured and the train is hanging off a cliff. Damn. Poetic cinema. It also is more than likely the game that I played the most, I think I must have played this from start to finish like 7 times. I remember the first time that I played it living in Australia, and thinking "Well... Imma have to get a PS3 now", unfortunately, it would be a long while before I got this game, but I would get it in the remastered version for PS4... so worth it. Searching for Shambala with Chloe was epic in this game, not to mention a hell of a villain in Lazarevic. The man was nails. That final fight was seriously stressful but made the kiss so much more worth it.

Uncharted 3

So truth time, this was my least favourite of the games... it just didn't have the punch the others had for me. I mean the plane scene aside (cause that was amazing) I was not that fond of it, but I still loved it. Kinda like a relative that you have to love. I like that it was there in terms of the story arc, but yeah. Also, I love Elena, but Chloe left hella early in this game for my liking... don't give me a character to love only to rip her away.

Uncharted 4

Speaking of Elena, LOVED her in this one, thought that her character was perfect - did find myself annoyed with Nate. Be a good husband, Mister! Yes, you are a good brother, but like your lady is a good one, keep her around. This game was the perfect, glorious ending. Pretty sure I cried when it ended, it was so emotional. I even got a little teary when you are in the attic looking at all his memories and shooting the stupid ball gun. The graphics in this game... oh man they are incredible. A major highlight for me was also the whole time you were in Libertalia. It was so immersive, you really felt as if you were there, in those houses.

This series is honestly a masterpiece. I have not played the stand-alone one, but I am more than happy to hear opinions on it!

Things I love about this game series:

  • How involved in the characters you became their stories, their humour.

  • Sully.

  • The locations and the stories are incredible

  • End ending <3 Pure, pure perfection, I love that you saw the story through another's eyes.

So to finish off, here are some of my questions for you:

  1. Now I know we love Elena... but Elena or Chloe?

  2. Do you think the Uncharted movie will ever come out??

  3. Favourite secondary character?

  4. Favourite game?

So this game gets a major: 9.7/10

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