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Mass Effect Trilogy

I tend to do this quite often with BioWare games (games in general - Witcher 3), but this series, I actually played the third one first, realised that I honestly knew nothing about what was going on besides what was happening right there and then, then played from the beginning. I will tell you... it is rather confusing when you start with 3... suddenly I am being reinstated (why was it taken away from me?) the Reapers are attacking Earth (New Number, who dis?) and I need to get back to the Normandy (Draws another blank) so needless to say it was a rocky start to what ended up being a rather great relationship.

What I liked about playing the games from the beginning is the ability to download your save into the next game (I know there is another way of doing it with a paid DLC-sort of) so that you can total up your Morality, which you need later in Mass Effect 3, trust me! You make some pretty intense decisions which are measured by Paragon and Renegade points (even if you are wanting to be "the nice guy" you can still make some Renegade decisions which feel good...).

*Insert Spoiler Warning here - just in case*

Mass Effect 1

I mean, yes this game is the original, but is it the best? In my opinion, no. But it is still one hell of a game. I loved and I lost in this game, it doesn't matter if you were romancing Ashley or Kaiden... How are you supposed to decide who to save and who should die? That part cut me deep... (who did you pick to save?) I mean that wasn't the only insane choice, that is something that always makes you wonder with BioWare, there are so many choices that you want to replay the game to make different ones and see where they take you... Save the council or not? Kill the Rachni Queen or nah? What to do with Wrex??

Mass Effect 2

This hands down is my favourite one in the series! I mean it starts off SO INTENSELY, you literally die, well sort of... you should be dead you know what I mean? But you are brought back with the help of Cerberus (booo & yay) and their Lazarus Project run by the Illusive man (booo again) and Miranda Lawson (YAY! Just me?). Then you have to deal with the Collectors... mate, they were fun and gross. There are so many small things that make this game insanely good - the squad you pick at the end for the final mission is EVERYTHING if you pick the wrong peeps, they die. You can also die... everyone dies. It is a lot of pressure on one Commander. Also, the Lair of the Shadow Broker was a HELL of a DLC! This game also had some serious skills in making us make some hard decisions: Should Mordin shoot Maelon or not? What to do with Jacob's pops? Do you help the babe, I mean Miranda with her sister? Jack vs Miranda (just kiss) but seriously who do you chose? Legion vs Tali? See? These are just a few!

Mass Effect 3

So as I have said, this was the first game I played and I loved it, I remember thinking that the ending was a little... blah... meh? Then I read some people's reviews and they were quite similar "great series, bad ending" I mean you know that people are not happy with it when they create a mod that you get a better ending. I did still enjoy the story and it was HARD man, husks are NOT fun... The moon orbiting the Turian homeworld Palaven was tough, but I love how you saw your friends again and they joined your party. The end feels a little like they were rushed and that is the only reason it brings the total score down... Just some of the choices in this game... to mess with you: What to do with Diane Allers? What to do with Samara? (she was 100% a badass) Krogan Vs. Salarian? Geth Vs. Quarian? Control, Synthesis, Destruction, Refusal... that hurt me again guys.

"Boldly they rode and well, into the jaws of Death, into the mouth of Hell"

Things I love about this game series:

  • The characters and how they kept appearing in the other games - Liara is in all three games as an example

  • I loved that you could play as Shepard or Femshep and you had romances that fit both, you could stay with the one you chose or you could go with another in the second etc. Options, I am all about options!

So to finish off, here are some of my questions for you:

  1. Favourite squad?

  2. Did you play all three games?

  3. Who did you romance?

So this game gets a major: 9.5/10

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